travel quote print giveaway winner!
Thanks to everyone who entered the travel quote print giveaway, and congratulations to Ainsley of My Little Artichoke, who has a lovely little print headed her way!
For all you other entrants who didn't win this time, make sure to check out the print section at the shop! The prints are shipped free worldwide, and you can save 25% on all items with code "MARCH11" until 3/31. Have a wonderful weekend! :)

For all you other entrants who didn't win this time, make sure to check out the print section at the shop! The prints are shipped free worldwide, and you can save 25% on all items with code "MARCH11" until 3/31. Have a wonderful weekend! :)
yay, i was so excited about this giveaway! i lovelovelove these prints. i just replied to your email, thanks again!