
Two nights ago, I had the pleasure of being the 100th sale at saratops (actually, I was technically the 99th and 100th, but regardless). I snatched up one of these darling library card notebooks and a set of carnival gift tags. So cool, right? Make sure you check out her shop ASAP!

I was another lucky 100 yesterday at my friend Julie's shop, Restless Hearts! She sells vintage and handmade items (like this tea towel, which I somehow only noticed today, that is so awesome), and I scooped up a Manhattan heart garland (for not too much money, either!). Make sure you go take a look at her shop, too! Or else!

I think I had some good karma floating around for helping those two lovelies with their milestones, because later in the day yesterday, I made my 199th and 200th sales to one of my blog subscribers, the darling Jaclyn! Thanks to everyone who has bought a vintage item at the shop, or read the blog, or even read a tweet or two. It means a lot to me! I hope you all have a wonderful weekend!


  1. You rock! Keep going!

  2. Oh hurray! I can't wait to get my goodies. Best of luck on Etsy!

  3. yahoo! congrats my dear, what a lovely community we have here in the vintage world x

  4. Congratulations! What a milestone. Here's to 100 more sales!! xoxo

  5. Congrats -- that's AMAZING!


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