sponsor spotlight • knit nicole knit
Introducing one of my sponsors, Nicole of Knit Nicole Knit! Enjoy! Interested in sponsoring A Wild Tonic? Read more here.

A bit about Nicole:
Born and raised in southern Ontario, a hop and a skip from from Canada/US border. I learned to knit while in Girl Guides, and I've stuck with it for over 10 years. I live with my boyfriend Richard and our dog Winston. When I'm not solely knitting, I am knitting while watching a movie, or a TV series on Netflix, knitting while listening to knitting podcasts, or knitting in the car. I knit all the time. Seriously. All the time.

What is Knit Nicole Knit?
I opened my Etsy shop in March 2011, selling button earrings. I started adding knitwear and other earring styles as the year went on. Currently, I sell primarily at craft shows, and otherwise in person, but this year, I am hoping to have a stronger online presence.

Nicole's perfect day is..
My perfect day would be any day I could go back to Iceland, and eat delicious seafood or lamb dishes. Richard and I went in September, and I can't wait till we can return.
Some links + a coupon code!
Use code "TONIC10" to receive 10% off your order at the Etsy shop.
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Knit Nicole Knit
The Knit Nicole Knit Blog
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A bit about Nicole:
Born and raised in southern Ontario, a hop and a skip from from Canada/US border. I learned to knit while in Girl Guides, and I've stuck with it for over 10 years. I live with my boyfriend Richard and our dog Winston. When I'm not solely knitting, I am knitting while watching a movie, or a TV series on Netflix, knitting while listening to knitting podcasts, or knitting in the car. I knit all the time. Seriously. All the time.
What is Knit Nicole Knit?
I opened my Etsy shop in March 2011, selling button earrings. I started adding knitwear and other earring styles as the year went on. Currently, I sell primarily at craft shows, and otherwise in person, but this year, I am hoping to have a stronger online presence.
Nicole's perfect day is..
My perfect day would be any day I could go back to Iceland, and eat delicious seafood or lamb dishes. Richard and I went in September, and I can't wait till we can return.
Use code "TONIC10" to receive 10% off your order at the Etsy shop.
Knit Nicole Knit on Etsy
Knit Nicole Knit
The Knit Nicole Knit Blog
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Knit Nicole Knit on Facebook
this is such a lovely post! thanks so much for having me as a sponsor!
Knit, Nicole, Knit!