WEARING • Saved from the Goodwill Bag.

My weekly trips to Goodwill are for buying, not donating. However, my family and I donate in big batches 3-4 times a year. In the meantime, I keep a bag in my closet of "things to donate" whenever the bag gets full. I pulled this sweater out of that bag the other day and said out loud, "Am I CRAZY?" I bought it at Urban ages ago and I'm so glad it never actually made it to the donation bin. Other than this insane sweater, this is a fairly basic outfit. I wore it to work during the day before the Gypsy Warrior party a few weeks ago (more on that tomorrow). Wearing a dress with jeans was a major throwback, that's for sure. Also, I can't believe I'm only getting around to posting these photos now. Between Memorial Day weekend and my crazy work schedule, life has been a blur. I know some of you feel me.
In other news, new prints are coming to Wanderlust Print Co. very very soon. Get excited! :D
sunglasses: gift from a friend
sweater: Urban Outfitters
velvet dress, worn as a top: vintage via Goodwill
jeans: Gap
shoes: Moosehide Driving Mocs c/o Minnetonka
I do that all the time. I am going through a bag that I was supposed to give away or donate, and I'm like "HOW DID THIS GET IN HERE?!"