About + Working with A Wild Tonic.

Hi, I'm Lauren and this is A Wild Tonic. I'm a reseller and blogger, who's interested in minimalism, wellness, paper goods, and traveling. My birthday is September 15th (total Virgo) and I live in Asbury Park, New Jersey.
A Wild Tonic is a vintage and re-fab collective devoted to making new what was old. We sell hand-picked vintage ('50s-'00s) clothing, accessories, and housewares, as well as upcycled art and planters
Selling vintage is a modern-day treasure hunt. There's no greater thrill than finding the perfect vintage item and sending it off to a new home. Part of our mission is sustainability, which goes hand-in-hand with vintage shopping.
In March 2011, I created a line of wanderlust-inspired quote prints on upcycled maps, which used to be found in the vintage Etsy shop. In May 2013, I started a separate Etsy shop called Wanderlust Print Co. All prints can now be found there.
If you are interested in sponsorship or collaboration, please email me at lauren@awildtonic.com
A Wild Tonic is a for-profit blog and occasionally features paid ads, c/o items (items I have received for free or partially free), affiliate links (I may get commission on any products my readers may buy), sponsored posts, product reviews/giveaways, as well as forms of cash advertising, sponsorship, paid insertions or other forms of compensation.